창업진흥원 콘텐츠 입니다.
Company (Who we are)
창업진흥원 SNS
- December 23, 2019 Institutional Commendation from the President of the Republic of Korea for Job creation
- November 24, 2019 The Prime Minister's Award for Government's Best Practices of Innovation
- October 24, 2019 KISED was launched as a legally established institution.
(Article 39, Support for Small and Medium Business Establishment Act)
- February 11, 2019Designated as a public institution with consigned executive authority
- January 5, 2017Designated as the specialized institution for registry and management of accelerators
- January 30, 2012Designated as the task force for one-man startup enterprises
- February 10, 2011English name changed from IKED to KISED.
(KISED : Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Devlelopment)
- January 24, 2011Designated as an “other public institution”
Authorized by the Minister of Strategy and Finance
- December 28, 2010Institutional Commendation from the President of the Republic of Korea for Job creation
- December 24, 2008IKED Established.
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